Our Community

(So Far)

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Jeff Simpson

Creative Director. Art Director. Bird Whisperer. Proud Dad.
Years Active: 15
Location: Halifax, NS  

“I want to make a difference and at least be able to tell my future self and my daughters that did what I could to help.”

Jeff recommends: Bosco Verticale


Jodie Hansen

Senior Designer. Illustrator. Pun Maker.
Years Active: 32
Location: Head of St. Margarets Bay, NS

“I’m lucky enough to live right on the ocean, but I worry about what will still be around on the planet for my two daughters when they’re my age.”

Jodie recommends: TruEarth Laundry Strips, Rareform

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Sophie Howard

Graphic Designer. Illustrator. World’s Greatest Auntie.
Years Active: 9
Location: York, UK

“If you’re not a scientist or a politician, it’s not always clear how you can use your skills to help address the climate crisis. Coming together with other creatives to take action is really energizing.”

Sophie recommends: ActionAid, CAMfed

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Emma Shoveller

Social Media Coordinator. Planner Extraordinaire. Saltwater Enthusiast.
Years active: 1
Location: Halifax, NS 

“I’ve always been able to find a sense of peace when I’m near the water. Animals have always had a special place in my heart as well. I want to contribute in any way, big or small, to help protect both.”

Emma recommends: Garrison Brewing


James Ingram

Photographer. Director. Proud dad. Pretty good golfer.
Years Active: 23
Location: Halifax, NS

“I feel an obligation to do what I can for this blue rock so my kids and their kids can enjoy the same quality of life we’ve been blessed with so far.”


Brittany Hall

Designer. Art Director. Dancer. Animal lover.
Years active: 4
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia. 

“From being a kid with 1000 named stuffed animals to owning my first dog, animals have always been so important to me. I want to help ensure their survival, and this is one way I instantly knew how.”                      

Brittany recommends: The Tare Shop, Inika Organic Skin Care

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Katie Arthur

Copywriter. Editor. Artist. Aspiring Farmer.
Years Active: 10
Location: Malignant Cove, NS

“I’m annoyingly passionate about local agriculture and its many benefits for the health of our planet. Creative thinking influences behaviour and it’s exciting to put our collective skills to work for something this critical.”    

Katie recommends: Stone Barns Centre for Food and Agriculture, Province Apothecar


Jessamyn Vanechuk Pothier

Designer. Creative Thinker. Certified Diver.
Location: St. Margaret’s Bay, NS
Years Active: 4

“I’ve always loved animals (probably more than humans) and I want to help protect their home. Animals are a vital part of the ecosystem and we wouldn’t be here without them.” 

Jessamyn recommends: 40CEAN